Life is really good though. I love being engaged to Jared! Sometimes it's weird for me to think that I'm actually going to be getting married soon, but I honestly couldn't be much happier about it. I think he's about as good as they come, so I am one lucky girl!
Other good news though, I'm an aunt! My sister had a little baby boy named Drake about 3 weeks ago. He's the cutest thing I've ever seen! (if you want to see pictures click this link and stalk my sister's blog! haha) makes me sad that they live far away and I can't see him very often, but I have made it down to STG a couple of times since he's been born, so we've started to bond :)
Haha, so I have a professor at school who is the sweetest lady ever! She teaches my capstone class for teaching, and she's way awesome. Well she talked me into applying for Grad school at BYU in Math Education, and I decided that I'm going to do it. I know it sounds crazy, and I honestly never even thought much about it until this semester, but I know it'd be a great thing to do. The opportunity to further my education is never going to be better, because life is just going to get even more busy once we start a family (granted that won't happen for several years, but still) so I'm going to do it. There are a few other factors that helped me make the decision 1- Jared will still be in school 2- BYU will pay for my tuition and 3- BYU will also give me a job teaching lower level math on campus. Basically I'll be getting paid to get my Master's Degree, so why not eh?!