Monday, May 31, 2010


It was our big one year anniversary yesterday, so we decided to celebrate it on Saturday since we couldn't do a whole lot on a Sunday. The day started off with breakfast at our apartment. I'm not a huge breakfast eater, but we decided to make biscuits and gravy which ended up being really good so I can't complain too much. Then I had planned a little scavenger hunt kind of thing, but not really that cheesy. . . well maybe it was a little cheesy but whatever. What I did was write a word on an envelop and Jared had to figure out where we were supposed to go. Each word took us to a different part of town that had to do with our relationship, so for example, the first word was "Beginning" and Jared figured out that we had to go to my old apartment which was where we first met. Anyway, we went on our bikes so it was pretty fun. When we got to each place, he got to read the letter that was inside the envelope. I had just written down some memories from each spot, nothin too fancy, but it was fun to remember some of the fun times we had while dating.

Like mentioned about, this is where we first met

I totally tricked him out here, he thought this would be where he proposed
but I actually opened my mission call at the Provo Temple,
and that's when I realized I really didn't want to go on a mission at all :)

On the day we dropped the L-Bomb, we had rented a tandem bike
from the BYU outdoor store and gone on a
ride together, and then we went up to Park City which was
where we first said "I love you" to each other, it was cute!

Jared proposed at the gazebo by the Hinckley Center,
he "promised" me that he would always take care of me :)

And now we've been married a whole year!

Haha, when he saw the word on the envelope, he thought
I had gotten him a present. I feel bad because I think
he was excited about it, but maybe next year we'll have
more money to blow on presents for each other! This is
our apartment where we presently live

After our little biking excursion we went to lunch at Tucanos, yum!

After that we went to see a movie and just
hung out the rest of the night together, it was really
fun just to be with each other even though we didn't do anything
extremely cool. We figure we have plenty of years to celebrate ahead
so it doesn't matter that this year was a little bit more low key!

This is the black dress I got from Dillards last week, I love love love it!

This is me being weird. . . big surprise!

Yesterday we went and spent the night in Midway with some of our friends. A couple's parents own a house up there so we spent yesterday afternoon and part of today there. It was really fun to get away from Provo and spend some time with our friends who we haven' seen for a while! Anyway, that's the scoop with our anniversary weekend, it was a fun time!


Channing said...

Stace you totally rock that little black dress! Congradulation on your one year anniversary!!! Hey speaking of anniversary's... reminds me to ask you-- I need your adress so I can send you and Jared a WeDdInG InViTe ;) you can just text it to me if you want-- 435-632-6114. Hope to see you both there!

Emily Blais said...

stace, you are very clever! I doubt I did anything that good for our first anniversary. and the black dress, smokin! good work!

Lennysfury said...

Stace you are looking HOT in that black dress! I love it! Congrats on your one year anniversary! I remember when we were talking right after or before you got married! It's crazy that was a year ago! I miss you and need to see you soon!

Lennysfury said...

oh this is Kens by the way! Love you!

K-Rae said...

Hooray for 1 year! Congrats! And, Stacer, you are hilarious, "And this is me being weird." Love your face!